
Vegan Life Nutrition – How to Get the Best on a Vegan Diet

One of the healthiest ways to eat is to follow a plant-based diet and get the best Vegan Life Nutrition. Various studies have proven that a proper vegan diet will meet all nutritional requirements even if you do not consume animal products.

However, an improper one may cause some common deficiencies. Don’t worry! These deficiencies can be overcome with good planning.

A meat-based diet isn’t the only way to go for the perfect amount of nutrients. If you are on a vegan diet, here’s how to be sure you’re receiving all of the nutrients you need.

What Nutrients Can A Poorly Planned Vegan Diet Overlook?

According to studies, vegans have lower intakes of vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc than nonvegetarians Thus, it’s critical for vegans to find vegan-friendly substitutes for these nutrients. Fortunately, this is easy with the right knowledge.

People following a vegan diet must ensure that all of their nutritional needs are satisfied. Veganism entails avoiding all animal-based foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy.

It might feel confining and unhealthy if you don’t have the right information and services. Here’s how to make sure that your vegan diet is as fulfilling as it is fun!

Read more on Vegan Diet – A Complete Guide for Beginners

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, which is mostly found in animal-derived foods including meat, fish, and poultry, is required for red blood cell formation and brain function. High folate levels can conceal deficiencies, and low B12 levels in vegans can go undiagnosed. 

Talk to your physician about taking a supplement. According to a 2010 research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 52% of vegans are vitamin B12 deficient. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Find out how you can easily overcome this.

B12-rich vegan meals include:

  • Bread, cereals, and energy bars that have been fortified
  • Soy products that have been fortified (soy milk and faux meats)
  • Plant-based milk that has been fortified (soy, rice, almond, hemp, and coconut)
  • Yeast for nutrition (a vegan-friendly seasoning with a cheesy flavor)

Vit B12


Blood production, growth and development, metabolism, and cellular function all require iron. Unfortunately, the sort of iron contained in plant-based meals (nonheme iron) isn’t as easily absorbed as the iron found in meat (heme iron). Vegans require more iron than meat-eater. 

The recommended dietary requirement (RDA) for vegans is 1.8 times greater than for meat-eaters. Luckily, a plant-based diet is enough to address this. Vegans can eat a variety of delicious plant-based iron sources. To aid iron absorption, incorporate adequate plant-based sources of iron in your diet, and consume these meals with vitamin C-rich foods.

Include the following vegan items in your iron-rich diet:

  • Vegetables with dark green leaves (spinach, Swiss chard, collard greens, and kale)
  • Grain (whole) (quinoa, barley, bulgur, and brown rice)
  • Legumes, pulses, nuts, and seeds are all good sources of protein (beans, peas, and lentils)
  • Fruit that has been dried (peaches, prunes, apricots, and raisins)
  • Cereals and rice that have been fortified
  • Spirulina is a kind of algae (powder made from microalgae)

Increase iron absorption with vegan meals high in vitamin C:

  • Fruits of the citrus family (oranges, grapefruit, and lemons)
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries and bell peppers

Additionally, you can also cook food in cast iron vessels, which helps in iron absorption



Calcium and Vitamin D

Your bone health might be a problem with a poorly planned diet. Plant-based diets may fall short of calcium and vitamin D recommendations. Vegans, compared to vegetarians and nonvegetarians, have the lowest vitamin D levels, according to a 2010 research published in the journal Public Health Nutrition. You need not fret: being knowledgeable about your food intake will definitely help.

Calcium-rich vegan meals include the following:

  • Leafy greens with a dark color (spinach, collard greens, bok choy, turnip, and mustard greens)
  • Non-dairy options that have been fortified (soy, almond, and coconut-based milk and yogurt)
  • Soy products that have been fortified (tofu, milk, and yogurt)
  • Juices with added nutrients
  • Beans (navy and white)

Vitamin D-rich vegan meals include:

  • Cereals and liquids with added nutrients.
  • Soy milk that has been fortified
  • Mushrooms (maitake and shiitake or UV-exposed white, cremini, and portobello)

Calcium & Vitamin D


You need to make sure that your body gets enough omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA. For meat-eaters, it comes from seafood. However, for informed and conscious vegans, it comes from the perfect plant-based meal.

=Here are some ingredients that convert plant-based ALA into EPA and DHA. Hence, they fulfill vegans’ essential fatty acid needs that are greater than meat-eaters.

Vegan sources for Omega-3 include:

  • Seeds (chia, ground flaxseed, and hemp)
  • Walnuts

Omega 3


Many biological processes, including the functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and growth and development, rely on zinc. Vegan diets have a high phytate content (found in grains, legumes, and seeds). This might reduce zinc absorption, making it even more necessary for vegans to incorporate zinc-rich foods into their diets. However, most people don’t know that basic foodstuffs like nuts can overcome this deficiency. To increase zinc absorption, consume soaked sprout beans and grains. Here are some more ideas.

Vegan ingredients to try include:

  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Cereals enriched with vitamins and minerals
  • Soybeans (tofu, tempeh)


Also for quick reference, you can refer to the vegan nutrition chart pdf which will provide you detailed information on the nutrient content of various products.

Five Easy Steps to a Healthier Vegan Diet

By forming a few simple routines, you may significantly enhance your diet. The five suggestions that follow distill the majority of the material in this article into easy-to-follow actions that can help you maintain a healthy, well-balanced vegan diet. Find out how to get the optimum vegan life nutrition from various sources!

    • Beans, tofu, vegetable meats, peanuts, or peanut butter should be consumed every day.
    • Consume a broad variety of fruits and vegetables. Such as leafy greens and dark orange veggies, as well as vitamin C-rich foods such as peppers, citrus fruits, and strawberries.
    • The majority of your fat should come from healthy sources such as nuts and nut butter, avocados, seeds, and small quantities of oils. Flaxseed, hempseed, canola oil, and walnuts are all rich sources of the important omega-3 lipid ALA.
    • Every day, consume three cups of calcium-rich foods, such as fortified plant milk, fortified juices, calcium-sulfate tofu, and cooked kale, collards, bok choy, or turnip greens (double the number of greens if you eat raw greens instead of cooked).
  • Don’t be afraid to take vitamins. All vegans require vitamin B12, which can be obtained through supplements or fortified meals. Most people require vitamin D supplementation, at least during the winter months. Vegan DHA and EPA supplements are good options.

Focus on the Big Picture

Good nutrition is the result of making wise meal choices over a long period of time. It is not necessary to be perfect. There are plenty of opportunities for splurges and indulgences along the road. You can even have vegan whipped cream! What counts is whether you eat nutrient-dense foods for the majority of your meals.

One meal is inconsequential in and of itself. Instead, examine if your meal choices over the course of a week provide adequate levels of the nutrients your body requires. Are you supplementing to fill any remaining gaps if you aren’t?

Finding alternative food sources for some nutrients is required when transitioning to a vegan diet. Following a healthy vegan diet becomes second nature once you grasp the basics of prudent meal planning.


Following the advice in this article will not only help you satisfy your vegan dietary needs, but will also offer you a fighting chance against heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and maybe even cancer. 

For more information on Veganism, you can purchase the following vegan nutrition book 

Thrive The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life.

Some more books on vegan nutrition include:-

Fork Over Knives

Vegan For Life 

The Vegan Diet as Chronic Disease Prevention

There is no foolproof diet that will protect you from all diseases. However, if you follow the advice given here, you can be assured that you’re establishing the foundation for long-term health.

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